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Showing posts from September, 2017

Week 2 First evaluation of the Carousel

EL-IF-I-KNOW In this session you will Document what you did in the session on Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) Write up your experience of the following... Research that you carry out in these sessions Skills that you have tried,  The processes  and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc)  The tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc) First look at the grading grid for UAL Qualifications Evidenced on your Blog   U1.1.1  Apply understanding  of a range of processes to support media activities.  U1.1.2  Apply media processes  and skills safely and appropriately.  U2 3.1  Apply  design and research tools, methods and skills to record and interpret information and develop ideas for creative production.  Evi...

Week 2 Lesson 1 Chris Introduction to the Carousel

First Please look at the Pohotography Carousel for the next 5 Weeks Task 2 -  The Carosel Chris and Steve (Plus other Creative Studies Teachers) As a Creative Studies Student you will attend over the first 5 weeks on a Tuesday and Wednesday, a range of workshops and lectures put on for you by various Creative Studies teachers from Photography, Fashion Art and Design and Media. During this time you will maintain a Blog that will be a diary of all the things that you achieved in this time.   The aim of these sessions is to research and try a number of different skills that might impact your future photography projects. These workshops allow you to see a number of different areas of the Creative Studies department, try new things and use these skills  enrich your coursework through your time here.  Dur...

Week 2 Semiotics

Aim of session: To investigate the terms or representation and semiotics and apply this analysis finally to a Fairy liquid advertisement. By the end of the session you will be able to:- Recall our understanding of analysing visual codes Explain semiotic terminology for analysing media texts. Apply and practice using terminology using a range of examples. Analyse an example of a Fairy Liquid TV Advert of your choosing using semiotic analysis. Evaluate your own analysis with peer and teacher feedback Handout 2: Application of Semiotic Theory and Analysis Using the analysis sheet handout 2 , You will be assigned a group number. View the and analyse the the example that relates to your group below write notes in the handout about that example. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Examples take from this article. Now choose a couple of fair...

Making a Blog

The Aim of this session is to explore and set up a social media blog to track your academic work. We will: Look at the issues and constraints of using existing social media profiles Start to explore your new blog environment Send a link of your website to the teachers blog      Now set up your blog    Your first blog should be called L3PhotoUAL(firstname and intitial) Once you have set this up it is time to Tweak your layout and share your page onto my site. Tweaks? look here now write down the URL and bring this to the front of the class so that I can add your site to mine.